UNICEF’s Goodwill ambassador has recently been to Ethiopia to visit the children supported by the fund and was applauded for her commitment by her husband Nick Jonas in an Instagram post. He wrote: “@priyankachopra is so inspiring to me and so many people around the world every day. The work she does with @unicef is incredible. #proudhusband.”
Last year’s gala welcomed guests such as Sir Ringo Starr who received the George Harrison Humanitarian Award, Honorary Chair Heidi Klum and the nine-time Grammy Award winning artist Sheryl Crow who performed on the night.
The 15th annual Snowflake Ball, that raises funds for the important work overseen by UNICEF for the vulnerable children across 190 countries and territories, will take place in New York on December 3.
So incredibly humbled. Thank you @unicefusa for honouring me with the Danny Kaye Humanitarian Award at the UNICEF Snowflake Ball in December! My work with @unicef on behalf of all the world’s children means everything to me.. Here’s to peace freedom and the right to education