The couple, Aditya Madiraju and Amit Shah, first got married in a small ceremony at New York City Hall in 2018, but later decided they wanted to throw a proper Indian celebration that could include more of their family and friends.
They chose this summer because it coincided with a visit to the U.S. that Madiraju’s parents, who live in India, had already planned.
On July 18, the couple hosted a mehndi party in their backyard, followed by a traditional ceremony at a Hindu temple in New Jersey the next day. On July 20, they capped off the weekend with a sangeet-style reception at Pondicheri cafe in New York City.
“We have been getting messages on social media from people around the globe who have come out to their families, people who have regained a sense of hope, and even those who have changed their mind about LGBTQ couples and will now support them,” he said. “The response has given a whole new meaning to our marriage, and we are excited about the social changes this will help make.”
On July 18, the couple hosted a mehndi party in their backyard, followed by a traditional ceremony at a Hindu temple in New Jersey the next day. On July 20, they capped off the weekend with a sangeet-style reception at Pondicheri cafe in New York City.