There’s no doubt that fashion feeds on events and coming together of people, but Covid-19 stands at the exact opposite of that. People in the fashion industry all over the world have this ultimate choice of either FASHION or COVID=19, only one of the two can stand.
Two of the topmost fashion and modeling brands in Africa, ISIS Models Africa and Beth Models had the discussion on IG Live over the past few days on what is next for the fashion and modeling industry.
In the end, the world must come together to heal and rebuild – Joan Okorodudu (CEO ISIS Models London)
Talking on the effects of covid-19 on the industry, the fashion world have resolved to adapting to new ways of working. Designers now work from home or virtually, models are going mostly digital. The supply and demand chain is suffering from wave of closures and cancellations. Several fashion shows have been cancelled, and the ones that couldn’t cancel are optimising the use of Zoom live streaming platform.
Even though there appears to be some demands based on online shopping of shoppers, this is mostly based on purchasing out of neccessity. There’s a feeling that things may never return to how it used to be in the fashion and modeling industry.