Disappointed fans have taken to Twitter after Netflix’s popular fashion reality show, Next in Fashion, was cancelled after just one season. The show saw presenters Queer Eye’s Tan France and Alexa Chung over a group of hugely talented designers who are tasked with creating incredible looks for an impressive cash prize.
The show saw guest judges including Adriana Lima, Tommy Hilfiger and Eva Chen take part, but unfortunately, the series isn’t returning for a new season. Viewers tweeted about the news, with one writing: “Next In Fashion has been axed by Netflix, despite it being great, entertaining and loved by almost everyone,” while another added: “Netflix cancelled #NextinFashion, the show was really good…Tan and Alexa were perfect hosts for the show.”
“We’re not doing a second season. But it was honestly one of the proudest things I’ve ever worked on. I love the show and Alexa so much. My focus is definitely on Queer Eye and moving forward with that.” He previously opened up to HELLO! about a potential second season, saying: “I always think about season two. If I’ve done the season, I better get a second. I’m praying that this is renewed, I love the show. It was some of the most fun I’ve had in a very long time.”