Menopause begins in the late 40s or early 50s and usually lasts for a few years.
During this time, at least two-thirds of menopausal people experience symptoms of menopause (1Trusted Source).
These include hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, irritability, and tiredness (1Trusted Source).
In addition, menopausal people are at higher risk of several diseases, including osteoporosis, obesity, heart disease, and diabetes (2).
Many people turn to natural supplements and remedies for relief (3).
Although menopause is a natural part of aging for women, many women aren’t happy when they start recognizing the signs. Technically, menopause is when a woman stops menstruating— signaling the end of her ability to develop eggs and reproduce. Emotionally, many women feel the transition is more like a roller coaster ride.
Menopause usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55. Your genetics play a role in when you will experience menopause, as many women start around the same age as their mothers. Other factors that can affect when you start menopause include smoking, cancer treatment, and the surgical removal of the ovaries.
During menopause, your ovaries slow down the production of estrogen and progesterone which result in the following symptoms:
- Bone density loss.
- Difficulty sleeping.
- Dry skin.
- Hair loss.
- Hot flashes and night sweats.
- Joint pain.
- Mood swings, depression, and irritability.
- Racing heart.
- Skipped and/or irregular periods.
- Urinary incontinence.
- Vaginal dryness.
- Weight gain.
Menopause may be inevitable, but there are many ways you can influence your experience. Taking a holistic approach can help you live the life you want after menopause.
Menopause can change the way you feel and what you need to feel your best. Communication is essential to ensuring your loved ones understand what you are going through. You may find that opening up a dialogue with other women allows you to find camaraderie and the comfort of knowing you are not alone. But it’s also important to communicate with the people in your life who haven’texperienced menopause and don’t know where to begin. By sharing your thoughts and feelings openly, you can help them support you in the best way possible.
If you need additional support, consider talking to a therapist. Seeking out a therapist with expertise in supporting women through the menopause transition allows you to explore your experiences in a safe and confidential space.
Stress can take a heavy toll at any time, but it can be particularly taxing during and after menopause, when it can trigger hot flashes and exacerbate mood symptoms. MINDFUL ACTIVITIESlike yoga or meditation can be invaluable for minimizing stress, regulating your mood, and alleviating anxiety.
Though a nourishing diet supports healthy living at every stage of life, it is especially important at midlife. In the years preceding menopause, shifting hormones may cause a change in body composition and make it harder to maintain a healthy weight. You may also find that whereyour weight is distributed changes and you may experience an increase in abdominal fat, which is associated with heart disease and metabolic syndrome. Evaluating your diet during the period leading up to the menopause transition could be a worthwhile preventive measure.
Eating a variety of macro- and micronutrients can help to counteract menopause symptoms, prevent unwanted weight gain, and support healthy muscles and bones.
- Lean protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs should form the foundation of your diet.
- Many plant-based foods contain PHYTOESTROGENS, hormone-like compounds that may help to reduce menopausal symptoms and offer some protection against osteoporosis, heart disease, and metabolic disease.
- Maintaining healthy levels of vitamins C, D, and K, calcium, and magnesium is essential for protecting bone strength. Supplementation is an effective way to get adequate amounts if they are lacking in your diet.
Focusing on your diet is one of the most powerful actions you can take as you approach menopause.
Like a healthy diet, physical activity is a must for maintaining your weight and supporting strong bones and muscles. Research also shows that regular physical activity can have a big impact on your CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH, MOOD, and even YOUR SEXUAL DESIRE. And it doesn’t take much; STUDIES HAVE FOUND that three 10-minute exercise sessions spaced throughout the day had a greater impact on lowering systolic blood pressure than one 30-minute session. That option provides an easy alternative to finding a larger block of time in your day.
The most important thing to remember is to stick with it. Finding a physical activity you enjoy and enlisting a partner can motivate you to keep going.
Protecting yourself from the sun and drinking plenty of water supports skin as you age. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, a woman’s skin loses about 30% OF ITS COLLAGENduring the first five years of menopause, which can result in wrinkles and sagging. Skin also becomes thinner and loses some of its capacity to hold moisture. Taking precautions to protect your skin and seeing your dermatologist for product recommendations can help keep you look and feel your best.
Certain habits and lifestyle choices can aggravate menopause symptoms or compound risk factors for illness. Avoid smoking and excessive caffeine, sugar, and alcohol use as these may trigger hot flashes. Keep night sweats under control and make restful sleep a priority by establishing a nighttime routine that includes dressing lightly and keeping your bedroom cool. Focusing on doing positive things for yourself can help you to manage symptoms and find greater comfort.
Some habits, of course, can be hard to break—but you don’t have to do it alone. Peer support groups and smoking cessation programs can help you set yourself up for success.
When uncomfortable symptoms remain despite your best efforts, it is best to tackle them head on rather than suffering needlessly or waiting for them to go away. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can address symptoms at the root and may offer protection from many of the long-term health conditions that become common in life after menopause. In fact, HRT is WIDELY CONSIDERED the most effective treatment option availablefor symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness, and it has been found to reduce the risk of health conditions like postmenopausal osteoporosis. RESEARCH ALSO SUGGESTSthat HRT can have valuable benefits for mood and cognition.
While there are MANY HORMONE MEDICATIONS AVAILABLE, a growing number of women PREFER BIOIDENTICAL HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY(BHRT). This treatment option uses plant-based hormones formulated to match those your body produces naturally. Prescribed by hormone health experts and prepared by compounding pharmacies according to your needs, custom BHRT offers truly personalized treatment.