Christian Dior, Maria Grazia Chiuri has focused on appealing to Gen-Z consumers. By most accounts, the designer has been highly successful, as you can’t scroll through Instagram without seeing one of the house’s signature saddle bags or a personalised monogram tote bag. Most recently, the designer brand’s monogrammed tote bag has been the centre of attention.
Logo mania has been taking over the fashion industry, and Dior is one of the many brands that embraced the trend. Spotted on the arms of celebrities like Rihanna and Bella Hadid, it is the ultimate summer bag for all occasions. Hollywood A-listers can’t get enough of this spacious bag, big enough to fill all that you need. From the airport, to the beach or even a day out, you can turn to this Dior back at all times. Now, Bollywood beauty, Priyanka Chopra is the latest star to take it to the streets.
after the 2019 Billboard Music Awards. However, they still intend on having a traditional wedding, and the Vegas ceremony took place because they had to get married in the United States to make it legal. Moreover, the Happiness Begins singer and the Game of Thrones actress admitted that they would have liked for their marriage to stay a secret, but unfortunately for them, DJ Diplo live-streamed the whole ordeal on Instagram.