Nollywood Actor, Leonard Chimezie Onyemachi, popularly known as Leo Mezie has passed on. This was confirmed by his colleague Chioma Toplis. The actor who has been battling with kidney disease died at the age of 46.
It was gathered that the Actor, who had a kidney transplant over 4 years ago, had another one last week, but began to develop complications and died on Saturday, the 14th of May. Nollywood actress, Chioma Toplis, confirmed the death of Leo via a post on Instagram. According to reports, Leo had been in and out of the hospital for a while trying to get back on his feet. Chioma wrote “Actor Leo Mezie is dead. He died on Saturday in Abuja while recovering from a kidney transplant. His corpse has been moved to Umuahia his hometown. RIP Leo.” she wrote.