As per the reports, makers have decided on the move after a recent meeting of higher-ups – to cut the scenes where Heard was shot as Mera for ‘Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom’ – in the wake of her defeat in the defamation battle against her ex-husband Johnny Depp.
Reportedly, most of her scenes that were shot last year will be removed from the final cut and explained with an off-screen death.
Amber Heard filmed her scenes for the movie in London back in Fall 2021. But now there are rumors that she might have to leave the movie because her character, Mera, could die during childbirth at the beginning of the sequel. This would keep her completely out of the film. This move is expected to help keep any negative press away from the installment in the Dc extended universes which is set to come out next year.
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom is now expected to open in theaters come March 17, 2023.